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Surgeon drawing marks on male faceIn the last decade, more men have been requesting cosmetic surgery procedures in an industry that was once dominated by a female clientele. The ever-growing trend of being healthy and looking your best may have prompted more men to demand cosmetic enhancement procedures. Whatever the reason may be for the increase in demand, here are the top procedures requested by men according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Eyelid Rejuvenation

Blepharoplasty, more commonly known as eyelid rejuvenation, is the most popular cosmetic procedure requested by men. With minimal scarring, men can enjoy the result of cosmetic enhancement without having to explain to others about their endeavor. The procedure removes excess skin from the upper and/or lower eyelids to smooth wrinkles and fine lines, reduce bags under the eyes, and improve vision while giving the eyes a more youthful appearance.

Neck Lift

A strong jawline tends to convey masculinity. As men age, the skin on the neck becomes lax and may obscure the jawline and give the face a heavier appearance. A neck lift can restore a strong jawline and create a neck that looks thinner and more youthful.


The first facial feature most people see is the nose. As a main focal point on the face, a nose that is proportional and attractively shaped complements other features on their face. This may be achieved by changing the overall shape or correcting a bump on the bridge of the nose. Alternatively, men may request rhinoplasty to simply correct a broken nose or correct breathing issues related to the nose.

Chin Augmentation

Men with more feminine chins often choose chin augmentation, or mentoplasty, to give the chin a strong, more masculine appearance. During a consultation, a surgeon will often look at the face as a whole and determine if combining procedures, such as neck lift with a chin augmentation, will create a complete, more balanced facial profile.

Liposuction and Body Contouring

Just like women, men have stubborn fatty tissue that is resistant to diet and exercise. Men are expected, by society’s standards, to maintain a strong physique with broad shoulders and a flat or toned abdomen and chest. Because men generally retain their skin elasticity longer than women, liposuction can correct problem areas without the need for skin removal in most cases.

Breast Reduction

Male breast reduction is most common among men with gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition caused by an imbalance in male hormones, obesity, or the use of certain drugs that results in enlarged breast tissue. Gynecomastia surgery reduces the breast tissue to flatten the chest and create more masculine contours in the pectoral area.

Cosmetic surgery continues to evolve and become more mainstream without regard to age, race, or gender. Every person has the right to body enhancements that may increase self-esteem, improve self-confidence, and help them feel comfortable in their own skin.