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woman with hands over her crotchLabiaplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the size and shape of the inner and outer labia. While many women undergo labiaplasty for cosmetic reasons, others may undergo labiaplasty to reduce overly large labia that cause chafing and pain. Below are a few of the most common myths regarding labiaplasty, the truth debunking those myths, and the benefits of undergoing the procedure.

Common Labiaplasty Myths

#1: It Is Only a Cosmetic Procedure

For women who are unhappy with their asymmetrical or disproportionate labia, labiaplasty can improve their cosmetic appearance. However, overly large or asymmetrical labia may also cause pain, chafing, or discomfort in everyday activities. Labiaplasty can restore a more balanced and attractive appearance to the outer and inner labia as well as alleviate the physical distress that can result from disproportionate labia.

#2: It Can Reduce Sexual Sensitivity

The truth to this misconception is quite the opposite. Poorly sized labia can significantly affect sexual activity, which can cause pain, anxiety, and even interference with movement. Labiaplasty can improve the size of the labia to relieve pain, discomfort, and anxiety in the bedroom. Overall, the procedure offers patients a heightened sexual satisfaction and improved quality of life.

#3: It Requires a Long Recovery

Most of the discomfort associated with labiaplasty should subside within a few days after surgery. Patients should refrain from engaging in sexual intercourse or strenuous exercise until all swelling has subsided six to eight weeks after surgery, but they may return to work in just two to four days.

Benefits of Labiaplasty

Aging, complications resulting from childbirth, sexual intercourse, and genetic defects can all lead to poorly proportioned labia. Unattractive and enlarged labia may cause self-consciousness and emotional discomfort, particularly during sexual activities or when wearing bathing suits or other tight clothing. Labiaplasty can:

  • restore a more balanced and attractive appearance to the outer and inner labia
  • alleviate pain and discomfort associated with overly large labia
  • improve darkened pigment along the edges of the labia
  • reduce odor and hygiene issues that may arise due to having excess tissue in the labia

The Safety of Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a safe procedure if it is performed correctly by an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon. Since the genital area is very tender and sensitive, a botched labiaplasty can lead to painful bleeding, chronic yeast infections, or worse complications. Dr. Crosby is a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs labiaplasty with careful precision and technique to improve comfort and cosmetic appearance.

To learn more about labiaplasty or to achieve the comfort and appearance you desire, schedule your consultation with Dr. Crosby today by calling 832.939.8500, or by filling out our online contact form.